Class H – mixed use to commercial, business and service or betting office or pay day loan shop

Class H of the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO) offers flexibility to property owners by permitting the conversion of buildings with mixed uses, including residential flats, to various commercial, business, and service uses within Class E, or to maintain their use as betting offices or payday loan shops.

This versatility allows owners to adapt their properties to meet market demands.

The legislation simplifies the conversion process by removing the need for a full planning or Prior Approval application. The works could just be undertaken. 


Class H – mixed use to commercial, business and service or betting office or pay day loan shop

Permitted development

H. Development consisting of a change of use of a building—
(a) from a mixed use for any purpose within Class E (commercial, business and service) of Schedule 2 to the Use Classes Order and as up to 2 flats, to a use for any purpose within that Class;

(c) from a mixed use within article 3(6)(n) (betting office) or 3(6)(o) (pay day loan shop) of the Use Classes Order and as up to 2 flats, to use for any purpose within Class E (commercial, business and service) of Schedule 2 to that Order;

(e) from a mixed use as within article 3(6)(n) (betting office) or 3(6)(o) (pay day loan shop) of the Use Classes Order and as up to 2 flats to a use within article 3(6)(n) (betting office) or 3(6)(o) (pay day loan shop) of the Use Classes Order.

Development not permitted

H.1. Development is not permitted by Class H unless each part of the building used as a flat was, immediately prior to being so used, used for any purpose within, as the case may be, article 3(6)(n) (betting office) or 3(6)(o) (pay day loan shop) of, or Class E of Schedule 2 to, the Use Classes Order.

Contact Us

If you have a commercial unit, A D P can assist you with your change of use application. Please contact us or use the form below:


Class L – Small HMOs to Dwellinghouses and Vice Versa


Class N – Sui Generis casino or amusement arcade to dwellings