Demolition of a Barn in Colchester, Essex and its Replacement with a New Dwelling

barn replacement in Dedham, Essex

We have successfully secured planning permission for the demolition of an existing barn in Dedham, Essex, which falls within Colchester.

The Barn’s Planning Policy Position

The site is located within a rural area, outside of a defined settlement boundary. The site and project has a long planning history, but it is a good example of perseverance when faced with planning obstacles.

In this case, Colchester Borough Council’s adopted planning policies are fairly restrictive as they do not allow the redevelopment existing rural buildings for residential use. This is quite a common policy stance introduced by several local planning authorities around the country.

housing development in Dedham

The project required an informed planning and design strategy that culminated in this permission. Using this strategy, we successfully demonstrated that:

  • The principle of residential development had been established at this location.

  • The conversion of the barn, whilst technically feasible, was not viable.

  • The redevelopment of the site provided an opportunity to create a building that reflected its existing barn form, respected the adjacent conservation area but would also deliver a viable new energy efficient family home.

Are you planning a project in the Rural Colchester?

Securing planning permission for the conversion of rural buildings, such as barns and stables, can be challenging, however with the right planning approach, it is possible to achieve a favourable consent.

If you have a rural development project, please contact one of our planning and design consultants at to see how we can add value to your project.


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