Planning Permission for the Change of Use to a Motor Trade Use
Our planning consultants have secured planning permission for the change of use of an existing industrial unit in Eastbourne, Sussex to a Sui Generis motor trade use, comprising car sales showroom, vehicle hire, MOT testing, servicing, body repair centre, and valet.
Image Source: Vistudio
The Principle of Development
The existing building had been vacant for several months and required significant investment to bring it up to a standard to make it an attractive business premises. Physical alterations were proposed to the tired external elevations to modernise the frontage and rejuvenate these commercial buildings.
An application for the change of use of the unit to a Class D2 use that had been submitted by prospective tenant had been refused. The Council had been adamant that the site should be protected for traditional Class B employment uses, despite the lack of demand.
As planning consultants on this project, we were able to demonstrate that the existing units had been vacant for a prolonged period of time and that there had been no demand for their continued use within a Class B1, B2 or B8 use. We were then able to demonstrate that there were no other suitable locations for proposed motor trade use within the Eastbourne area and that it would in fact generate a higher number of jobs than the existing planning use.
Technical and Design Matters
There were also a number of contextual and planning issues that needed to be resolved. We demonstrated that there would be no impact on neighbouring properties and businesses in terms of bad neighbour effects and operational hours, nor would there be an increase in vehicle movements or parking issues on the surrounding road network. In fact, it was evident form the proposed alterations that the proposed motor trade change of use would in fact have on enhancing affect upon the image and quality of the Industrial Estate in terms of its built form and in providing complementary amenities.
There were also a number of technical issues that needed to be resolved. The application was supported by appropriate plans and third-party reports to demonstrate that there would be no material impact in terms of noise or flood risk.
How A D P can assist you change of use project
Our planning consultants have extensive experience with commercial projects, including change of use applications and development at industrial sites. Please contact us at to discuss your project further, or use the form below: