Class ZA Prior Approval in Suffolk

We are thrilled to have secured planning permission for a new dwelling through the Class ZA Prior Approval process. Our team is proud to have guided our client through the application and approval stages.

This little-known permitted development right can be a valuable tool for those looking to redevelop existing buildings.

Class ZA Prior Approval in the Planning Process

In recent years, the Government has introduced a number of permitted development rights aimed at making it easier to deliver new housing. One of the most significant of these is Class ZA, which was added to the General Permitted Development Order in 2021.

Class ZA allows for the demolition of existing commercial, industrial, or agricultural buildings and their replacement with new residential dwellings, provided certain criteria are met.

This can be a faster and more cost-effective route to development compared to a standard planning application, making it an attractive option for those with suitable sites.

The benefits of Class ZA are clear - it streamlines the planning process, reduces costs and timescales, and allows redundant buildings to be brought back into productive use as much-needed new homes.

The Application Site

Our client’s site comprised a former joinery workshop. They were interested in redeveloping the site to create a new, single-family dwelling, and approached our team of planning consultants for guidance.

We began by carefully reviewing the criteria set out in Class ZA to assess the suitability of the site.

The existing building was constructed in the 1950s or 60s, had a footprint under 1,000 square metres, and had been vacant for over 6 months - all key requirements for Class ZA approval.

With the initial viability assessment complete, we then worked closely with the client to prepare the necessary technical studies and drawings required as part of the prior approval application.

This included detailed consideration of, for example, transport, contamination, flooding, design and heritage.  

Throughout this process, we maintained regular communication with the planners at Babergh District Council, ensuring they had all the information needed to assess the proposal against the Class ZA criteria.

Crucially, the officer concluded that the proposed development complied with all the relevant conditions and limitations of Class ZA, and was therefore recommended for formal approval.

Contact Us to Discuss Your Development Project

If you're considering a redevelopment project and believe the Class ZA route may be suitable for your site, we encourage you to get in touch.

Our team would be happy to assess your proposal and guide you through the application process, drawing on our expertise to maximise your chances of securing the necessary approvals.

Contact us using the form below, or via

Together, we can unlock the full potential of your property.


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