New Dwelling Approved in the Green Belt near Upminster, London

Image by Invent Architecture

We are delighted to have secured planning permission for a new dwelling on the edge of London near Upminster in the London Borough of Havering, and within the Green Belt.

The Site

The application site is piece of land with a number of single storey buildings in association with a longstanding equestrian use.

The Proposed Dwelling

Planning permission was sought for the demolition of a several existing structures in connection with the equestrian stable yard and the erection of a two storey three bedroom detached dwelling.

Residential Development in the Green Belt

The site is located within the Metropolitan Green Belt around London and securing development in the Green Belt is very challenging.

The fundamental aim of Green Belt policy is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open, with one the essential characteristics of Green Belts being its openness.

National planning policy states that a local planning authority should regard the construction of new buildings as inappropriate in the Green Belt.

However, there are a number of exceptions to this policy, one of which applied in this instance.

National policy allows for limited infilling or the partial or complete redevelopment of previously developed land, provided it would not have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing development.

The existing equestrian use and associated buildings fall within the definition of previously developed land.

To demonstrate policy compliance, we provided evidence highlighting the form of the proposed development versus the existing buildings which were to be demolished. Whilst the proposed building would be larger than those it replaces both in terms of overall height and footprint there would be an overall decrease in the amount and extent of built form on the site and that overall, the visual impression would not be dissimilar on balance.

Are you seeking planning permission for a dwelling the Green Belt?

If you have a new development project involving the development of a new home within the Green Belt or land and are wondering how you can optimise its development potential, please contact us at or use the form below:


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