Listed Barn Conversion Granted Planning Permission in Colchester, Essex

Essex Barn conversion

We are delighted to have secured planning permission for the conversion of an Essex barn to create a large family home. This barn is located on the Island of Mersea in Colchester, Essex.

Barn Conversion: The Planning Issues

This was a particularly challenging application for a multitude of reasons, for example:

  • Principle of development – the Council’s adopted planning polices resist the conversion of rural buildings in countryside locations to residential uses. Their preference is for commercial and community uses.

  • Heritage – The barn is within the setting of a Grade II listed building and as such, a Class Q application could not be applied in this instance.

  • Design – The barn is circa 400 sqm in size and is predominantly characterised by black timber cladding, with three large wagon entrances. It has also suffered from a number of 20th Century interventions that detract from its overall character.

  • Neighbouring amenity – The barn is located in close proximity to other residential properties and tourist accommodation.

  • Ecology – The site is frequented by bats.

Our planners put together a robust and well-reasoned planning case that demonstrated that material considerations existed in this instance that outweighed the Council’s restrictive policy approach.

These arguments were the accepted by the Council.

Essex Barn

We also put together a strong team of consultants to address the specific matters such as heritage and ecology.

Their research and suggested mitigation measures were then incorporated into the design process. using this information, our architects put together a high-quality design that sought to restore the parts of the building that suffered during the 20th Century, whilst respecting and embracing the remaining heritage elements.

The outcome was a large, family dwelling with flexible living space to meet the needs of a modern household.

Do you have a Barn Conversion project in Essex?

Do you have a building within a rural area that may potential for conversion? Please contact us via or using the form below to see how we assist with your planning application.   


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