Class Q Barn Conversion Approved in Chelmsford, Essex

We recently secured Class Q prior approval permission for the conversion of a 20th Century barn in the area of Chelmsford City Council, and falling within in the rural countryside of Essex.

The Planning Use of the Barn

The farm had been in the Applicant’s family ownership since the 1930/40s and had been used for the storage gain.

The Proposed Dwelling

The barn had an internal floor area of 420 sqm and it was proposed to turn this large barn building into a single dwelling. The internal floor area of the proposed dwelling and household storage area would fall within the 465 sqm threshold limit set out within the criteria of Class Q.

To ensure compliance with Class Q, no part of the building would extend beyond the existing external dimensions of the barn building.

Only the installation and replacement windows, doors, roofs, or exterior walls, and utility services, that were reasonably necessary for the building to function as a dwellinghouse, were proposed.

Class Q Structural Survey

The main issue in this case related to the structural elements. The building had been built in the mid-20th Century and was of sound and permanent construction.

However, despite evidence to prove this, Chelmsford City Council had previously refused earlier applications.

This latest application was accompanied by very detailed structural calculations to prove beyond doubt that the barn building could in fact be converted. The Council finally accepted the findings of these reports.   

Other Matters under Class Q

We were able to demonstrate to the Council that proposal would not result in any transport or highway impacts, noise impacts, contamination risks or flooding risks. The location and siting of the buildings and the proposed design and external appearance were also considered acceptable and each habitable room would have sufficient natural light.

Chelmsford City Council agreed that the proposal would be permitted development under Class Q (change of use of an agricultural building to a dwellinghouse) Part 3 to Schedule 2 of the Town & Country Planning Act (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as amended.

Planning a Class Q Barn Conversion Application in the Chelmsford City Area?

Are you planning a barn conversion in the Chelmsford City area? If so, contact us to see how we can assist your project. You can contact us using the form below or via email at


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