Planning Application Approved for a Coach House in Chelmsford Town Centre

We are delighted to secured planning permission for a residential coach house on land to the rear of Moulsham Street, Chelmsford. The proposals also include a first-floor extension to an existing office.

Heritage Design Considerations

The application site lies within the Moulsham Street Conservation Area. It is also within the setting of a group of listed buildings. Heritage was therefore an important planning consideration.

The residential building was designed in the style of a coach house to the rear of the site. Under-croft parking is provided on the ground floor, accessed from within the courtyard. The first and second floors provide accommodation for a two-bedroom flat.

There are a number of recent buildings at the rear of the Moulsham Street. These new buildings front onto the George Street carpark. Development of this site would help to continue the frontage, defining this edge and adding interest and surveillance.  

The proposed detailing and materials for the proposed coach house was informed by the detailing found within the Conservation Area.  

We worked closely with the Council during the application process to ensure the final design had a form and design that is sensitive to the context and there would have no harm to the Conservation Area or the setting of the adjacent listed buildings.

The Office Extension

The existing three storey building fronts onto Moulsham Street and Council’s assessment of the area highlights that this building detracts from the character of the area due to its height, size, scale and design.

The proposed extension to the rear of the existing office has been designed to be ancillary in appearance but replicate the existing building in terms of roof form, brickwork and window proportions.

The Council supported this proposal as it would provide visual interest to this existing building and break-up the bulk and mass. The residential coach house would also provide some visual screening.

Car-Free Parking Provision

The dwelling would not be provided with vehicle parking, but cycle provision was included.

We argued that a zero-parking standard provision level for this proposal would be appropriate as it is located in the City Centre, in a main urban area with frequent and extensive public transport, cycling and walking links.

Living Standards

The proposed two-bedroom dwelling would meet the internal space standards set out in the Nationally Described Space Standards.

The proposed dwelling would not be provided with any external amenity space, however, given the planning gain demonstrated, the Council accepted that site’s location and sensitive setting, and the improvement to the wider street scene that the development would provide, that in this instance this approach would be acceptable.

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Planning Permission Secured for Apartments in Ipswich, Suffolk  


Class Q Barn Conversion Approved in Chelmsford, Essex