Planning Permission Secured for Apartments in Ipswich, Suffolk
We are pleased that Ipswich Borough Council has granted planning permission for 14 apartments in Ipswich, Suffolk.
The Proposed Development
The application site was a former builder’s yard that is now redundant. The proposed scheme represented an efficient and effective use of this brownfield site that will deliver 14 new dwellings within a sustainable location and is conveniently located to the key facilities and services within Ipswich.
Whilst the site was formerly within a commercial use, the wider area has a residential character with a variety of housing designs ranging from Victorian, to 1930s to more modern late 20th Century housing. The common feature throughout was the rhythm of the streetscene and material colour, with a strong use of red brick. We used these features to inform the design and ensure that the development could sit comfortably in the streetscene.
We engaged positively with the Council’s planners to ensure that this development would secure a favourable planning consent.
Contact ADP to discuss your development project
A D P often provides planning and architectural services within Ipswich and Suffolk as a whole. If you have a development project and require our assistance, please contact at or use the form below.