Extension to a Listed Building in Suffolk Granted Planning Permission

We are please to have secured planning permission for the erection of single-storey rear extension with basement, and erection of an outbuilding in rural Suffolk.

The Listed Building

The dwelling is detached and sits within its own rural setting. The property is Grade II Listed and is an early 19th Century building with unique features including bowed ends under a conical roof.

The unique features and heritage designation provided a design challenge, however, we worked closely with Babergh District Council’s planning and heritage officers to design a high-quality addition for this property.

Contact ADP for Planning Services in Suffolk

A D P regularly provides planning consultancy and architectural services throughout Suffolk. Some project examples can be found here.

If you have a development project and require any assistance, please contact us directly at mail@adpltd.co.uk or use the form below:


Class Q Barn Conversion Approved in Chelmsford, Essex


Planning Appeal Win for Two Houses on Garden Land in Thanet