Planning Permission for a Modern Replacement Dwelling in the Green Belt

At A D P, we're thrilled to announce our recent success in securing planning permission for a high-quality, contemporary replacement dwelling in the Green Belt near Billericay, Essex.

This project exemplifies our expertise in navigating complex planning regulations, particularly in sensitive Green Belt areas, and showcases our commitment to delivering innovative solutions for our clients.

Project Overview

Our client approached us with a vision to replace their existing dwelling with a modern, single-storey home that would better suit their lifestyle while respecting the local environment.

The project presented several challenges, including:

  • Demolition of the small outdated dwelling and outbuildings and its replacement with a a much larger, replacement self-build dwelling

  • Restrictive Green Belt policies

  • Navigating local planning policies

The site is characterised by its rural setting, set amongst other dwellings within large plots. Its position within the Green Belt required a thoughtful and strategic approach to planning.

Our Innovative Approach

We employed a multi-faceted strategy to secure planning permission:

  • Permitted Development Analysis: Our first step was to explore the full potential of existing permitted development rights.

    We secured approvals for several extensions that would have increased the existing property's floor area to provide a fall-back position.

    These permission included: Two single-storey side extensions; a larger home extension, projecting 8.0 metres from the rear; and incidental outbuildings.

  • Creating a Strong Fallback Position: By securing these permissions, we established a robust fallback position.

    This was crucial in demonstrating that our proposed replacement dwelling would actually have less impact on the Green Belt than the permitted alternative.

  • Sensitive Design: The new contemporary dwelling was meticulously designed with consideration for local character and environmental impact, but with a focus on modern design:

    • Use of traditional materials like brick and timber, complementing the local vernacular, with with contemporary detailing

    • Thoughtful positioning within the plot, maintaining generous distances from boundaries

    • Incorporation of modern sustainability features, including solar tiles

  • Green Belt Considerations: We successfully argued that the proposal constituted 'very special circumstances' required for development in the Green Belt. Our case was strengthened by demonstrating that the replacement dwelling would have less impact than the fallback permitted development scenario.

Positive Outcome

After careful consideration, the Basildon Council recognised the merits of our approach:

  • Basildon Council acknowledged that the replacement dwelling would not cause material harm to the street scene or local character

  • The design was deemed to have greater architectural merit than the existing dwelling

  • Our proposal was seen as actually reducing potential impact on the Green Belt compared to permitted development alternatives

  • The use of local materials and sensitive design was praised for its compatibility with the area's character in a modern way

As a result, Basildon Council granted planning permission, allowing our clients to proceed with their dream home – a testament to our strategic planning and design expertise.

Need Help with Your Green Belt Project?

If you're considering a replacement dwelling or extension in a Green Belt area, our experienced team can help you navigate the complexities of the planning process.

Our success here demonstrates our ability to turn challenging planning situations into opportunities for innovative, sympathetic development. We understand that each project is unique, and we're committed to finding creative solutions that meet both planning policy requirements and our clients' aspirations.

Don't let Green Belt restrictions hold back your project !!!

Whether you're dreaming of a contemporary new home or looking to extend your current property, we have the expertise to guide you through the process. Contact us today for a consultation and let us help you turn your vision into reality.

Contact A D P today and take the first step towards your dream home in the Green Belt !!


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