Planning Appeal for an Infill Dwelling in the Green belt Near Billericay, Essex

Image by Invent Architecture

We are delighted to have won a planning appeal against Basildon Borough Council relating to the development of a new home in the Green Belt. The appeal was allowed and planning permission was granted for erection of a single dwelling, double garage and associated access on a site near Billericay, Essex.

The main issue in the consideration of this case was whether the proposal would be inappropriate development in the Green Belt, including its effects on the openness of the Green Belt.

Planning Appeal: Infill Development in the Green Belt

In this case the proposed scheme amounted to infill development within an established village. However, the Council had claimed that the site was not within a village location.

The appeal site is located at the edge of a village, within an area comprising plotlands, i.e. small pieces of land laid out in regular plots and was located between two existing dwellings.

We put forward a case using extensive evidence, including evidence that the Council themselves had prepared to inform their emerging local plan, to demonstrate that the appeal site was firmly within the confines of an established village.   

The Planning Inspector agreed with us, stating that he was firmly of the view that the settlement in question amounted to village. The Planning Inspector also agreed that the proposed dwelling would be sited between two existing dwellings and would constitute infill development for the purposes of Green Belt Policy. He concluded that the development would not be inappropriate development in the Green Belt and as such it should not be regarded as harmful to the purposes of including land within it and is in accordance with the NPPF.

For more information about infill development, please read here, and for more information about Green Belt development, please read here.

Contact Us

Do you have land in the Green Belt and are you seeking planning advice to see if any development opportunities exist, if so, please contact using the form below or at  to see how we can assist your project.


Change of Use of Barn to Create a New Dwelling


Planning Permission Granted A New Dwelling in Leiston, Suffolk