Technical Details Consent Granted for a Single Infill Dwelling
We are delighted that Basildon Council has approved Technical Details Consent for an infill development in the Green Belt. This Technical Details application followed a previously approved Permission in principle Application.
The Technical Details Consent Application
The site is part of a wider rural plotland area to the south of Billericay, Essex. The surrounding area is characterised primarily by low density sporadic development in the form of detached bungalows, some chalets and some two storey development.
The proposed new dwelling was informed by this context.
It would be positioned in the gap between the existing dwellings and would be of a similar scale to these properties. The dwelling would comprise a chalet style dwelling.
The dwelling would maintain space around it, to preserve the spacious setting. As such it would not appear cramped in its setting and given the significant mix of dwelling types and material finishes used or already granted in the locality, would not appear out of character or over-dominant.
Following discussions during the Technical Details Consent process, the Council agreed that the traditional design and design approach was suitable for the area.
Are you planning a new dwelling in the Green Belt?
Contact our planners to find out if you could secure planning permission for a house in the Green Belt. Contact us at or use the form below: