Self Build Dwelling, Mersea Island, Essex
We secured planning permission for a bespoke and contemporary self-build dwelling on Mersea Island, Essex.
The design of the proposed dwelling did present a number of challenges, including:
The site is located on garden land, so we had to demonstrate that the proposed development would not adversely affect the setting of the immediate area or impact upon neighbouring residential amenity in terms of overlooking, outlook or privacy.
The site has a beach front location and vista. This location demanded a design of very high-quality.
The site is located on a slope that fronted a beach, which had structural, drainage and flooding implications.
We designed a high-quality home that embraced and utilised its setting to the full. This proposal was fully supported by the Council’s planners.
Self-build dwellings represent an excellent opportunity to create a unique building that meets the needs of the owner and embodies their own creative style.