
Great Bentley Village Extension

ADP submitted an application for 32 dwellings on land outside of the settlement boundary of Great Bentley, Essex.

We prepared a thorough planning application that was informed by extensive technical evidence. This was presented to the Council, the Great Bentley Parish Council and Essex County Council before and during the application.

The design was led by the site’s context being within a semi-rural area on the fringes of an existing settlement. This allowed the development to create an appropriate form that acts as a visual transition from countryside to urban setting.    

At the time of the application, Tendring District Council’s local plan was out-of-date and they did not have a demonstratable five-year housing land supply.  We were able to demonstrate that the proposed scheme met with the emerging planning policies for the District and represented a sustainable extension to this village.

Our effective engagement with the Council’s planning officers meant that the application was presented to Committee with a recommendation for approval. The application was however deferred for a significant period of time.

On behalf of the Applicant we submitted a robust planning appeal that demonstrated compliance with national planning policy, introduced key material considerations and demonstrated that the Council’s relevant planning policies in the consideration of this case were out of date. The appeal was subsequently allowed.    


Rural Exception Site, Dedham, Essex


Urban Extension, Coggeshall, Essex