Planning Permission Granted for the construction of Golf Teaching and Practice Bays in the Green Belt

We have successfully secured planning permission the construction of golf teaching and practice bays at an established golf in London’ Metropolitan Green Belt.

The proposed structure would replace an existing rundown structure that is no longer fit for purpose. The golf teaching and practice bays will provide a much needed modern facility that can be used in all seasons.

As the site is located within the Metropolitan Green Belt a strong planning argument was needed to justify the development and demonstrate compliance with national Green Belt planning policy.

The NPPF advises that local planning authorities should regard the construction of new buildings as inappropriate. However, there are a limited number of exceptions to this general approach, which includes the provision of appropriate facilities for outdoor sport and outdoor recreation, as long as it preserves the openness of the Green Belt. We were able to demonstrate that the proposed structure fell within this definition.

With regards to the impact upon the openness of the Green Belt, the proposed practice bay would have a floor area of circa 40 sqm and a height of almost 5 metres. We were able to demonstrate that the proposed structure would be a proportionate addition to the golf club, which would be located relatively close to the existing club house and car park in the context of this large site.We also highlighted that the existing facilities needed to be updated in order to ensure the golf club continues to provide modern facilities which are fit for purpose and remains a viable local asset.At ADP we have worked on several leisure and recreational projects.

If you would like to discuss your project with us, please contact us at

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