Planning Permission for 70 Dwellings Outside of the Settlement Boundary in Essex

We have successfully gained planning permission for a residential that is outside of the settlement boundary of Mistley, Essex.

This was an outline planning application seeking approval for the principle of up to 70 new homes with a new access road on undeveloped land on the edge of Mistley.

This was a challenging application as the application site is located within an area proposed for inclusion within an extension to the Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It also lies outside of the settlement development boundary and within the Coastal Protection Belt, as defined in the adopted Tendring District Local Plan.

We were able to demonstrate that Tendring District Council was unable to identify a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites as required by national planning policy. In this context, we put forward a strong argument that demonstrated despite the site’s location, the proposed development would constitute sustainable development when considered against the NPPF as a whole.

Critically, because Mistley forms part of the wider Manningtree, Lawford and Mistley urban settlement as defined in the Local Plan, we argued that residential development in this location had the potential to be sustainable with reasonable access to a range of local job opportunities, shops, services, facilities and public transport compared with more remote rural villages.

There were no other technical constraints affecting the site that would have prevented development from taking place, for example there were no detrimental highways impacts, ecology or flood risk issues.

If you have a development site located outside of a settlement boundary, please contact us at to discuss the planning and development potential.

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Self-build Dwelling with Sea Views Approved


Planning permission approved for a replacement dwelling in Braintree District