Redevelopment on Previously Developed Land Approved in Halstead, Essex

Our client recently bought a site that already had planning permission for 6 no. dwellings on a site in Halstead, Essex.

We were asked to review the design of this scheme and following that process we were able to identify efficiencies that could increase the number of approved dwellings and enhance the function and appearance of the dwellings.

We subsequently submitted revised planning applications and we are pleased that Braintree District Council supported our approach and approved these applications.

Previously-Developed Land: The Planning Strategy  

The site has multiple planning consents, so the refined design approach and the proposal for additional dwelling required a different approach, and involved variation of the extant planning permission and a new planning application that replaced an existing consent.  

Layout, Design and Appearance

The general layout of the development in terms of access point, plot locations and siting of parking areas remain broadly the same the extant permission.

However, the scheme was refined to increase the functionality of the layout, and the individual houses themselves, whilst increasing the spaciousness around each plot, with the aim of increasing the development value for each unit for our client.

This revised scheme was achieved through a variation of condition application.

The replacement dwelling had a separate planning permission. This scheme however did not maximise the potential of the site and there was scope for two dwellings instead of the one approved. To achieve, the additional dwelling, a new planning application was submitted to replace the extant planning permission.

Are you planning deveopment on previously-developed land?  

We provide planning design and design for a variety of projects, including ones that already have existing planning permissions, to see whether a better permission can be achieved. If you require advice for your project, please contact us at or use the form below.


Planning Permission Secured for Residential Development in Ipswich, Suffolk


Lawful development certificate for commencement of development approved in Tendring, Essex