Planning Permission for a New Dwelling Approved in Sudbury, Suffolk


Our planning consultants have secured planning permission for the erection of a three bed dwelling in Sudbury, Suffolk.

By working constructively with Babergh District Council, we were able to secure a favourable planning consent for this project.

New Dwelling Design Approach

Our architectural designers developed a scheme influenced by the site’s context.

This application site represents a garden land to the side of an established dwelling within the urban area of Sudbury. The site is located about one mile from Sudbury Town Centre.

The surroundings are characterised by two-storey terraces with front and rear gardens. The proposed development is for a single two-storey house to be built at the end of a terrace of four similar properties. The land represents surplus garden land that is well in excess of what is needed for the existing home. The proposal would utilise this land resource within a sustainable location.

The appearance and scale of the dwelling has been designed to reflect that of the adjacent houses to ensure that a visual balance is maintained in the streetscene.

Do you have a garden land development project?

Backland and garden land can represent excellent development plots for new housing and are often located in sustainable locations within existing urban areas.

If you have a potential development site is in such a location, please contact our knowledgeable team of town planning consultants and architectural designers to discuss your project further at or use the form below:


Planning Permission for the Redevelopment of the Site of a Former Listed Building in Colchester