Approval Given for 140 New Homes in Tendring

We are very proud to be part of the design team leading the residential development to the south of Lawford, Essex, in Tendring District. Phase 2 of this project has recently been granted Reserved Matters consent by the Council’s Members, who voted unanimously in favour of the proposal.This Reserved Matters application followed the original outline planning permission for a mixed development of 360 houses and community facilities/open space, and the Phase 1 Reserved Matters application.

The site lies outside the defined settlement boundary of the adopted Local Plan but is within the settlement boundary of the emerging Local Plan.

This latest proposal sought 140 dwellings, including affordable housing and a play area. The proposed dwellings are primarily 2-storey with some chalet bungalows. The dwelling sizes ranged from 2-bedroom to 5-bedroom homes.When establishing the site layout and masterplan, we carefully analysed the site context and features, together with any constraints. Consequently, the proposal retains the well-established boundary hedges situated along the western and southern boundaries, which maintains the simple rural nature of the surroundings a areas retained for wildlife purposes.

We designed the dwellings to provide a strong frontage with a clear rhythm that drew upon local characteristics. The dwellings are all either double-fronted or orientated with the end gable wall facing the road. The design includes many architectural features that are found within the local area. Such features include bargeboards, brick detailing, decorative architraves, pilasters, brick plinths, string courses, stone gable vents, and chimneys. This has led to a very attractive design.

ADP are experienced masterplanners. Our masterplanning philosophy is centred on an approach that seeks to create vibrant places where people come together. Our services include: masterplans; development frameworks; design codes; and urban design strategies.If you wish to discuss your project with one of our professional advisors, please contact us at

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Planning Permission Granted for 34 Dwellings in Colchester


Planning Permission Secured for the Conversion of a Stable Barn on the Edge of London