PPG Update: Effective Use of Land

Earlier this week (22nd July 2019), the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government provided a number of updates to the Planning Practice Guidance (PPG). These updates included further guidance in respect to the effective use of land and the planning for higher densities.

The new planning guidance sets out a number of tools that could assist when trying to establish the appropriate density for a particular site or area. These tools include:

  • Accessibility i.e. providing an assessment of public transport accessibility and access to key services and facilities.

  • Contextual analysis through characterisation studies and design strategies, with the aim of understanding issues such as urban form, historic character, building typologies, etc.

  • Technical studies such as environmental and infrastructure assessments to understand the relative capacity of a site or area and to establish parameters for development and potential risks.

  • Market or site viability assessments to establish deliverability.

The PPG also explains how density should be measured to ensure an effective use of land. It states that the dwelling per hectare measurement should not be used in isolation and the focus should be on how density relates to housing needs, local character and appropriate building forms. Other suggested density measurement methods include:

  • Plot ratio measures to understand how the development would relate to its surrounding context.

  • Bedspaces per hectare to understand potential residential occupation.

  • Dwellings per hectare to establish the number of homes.

For more information on the updates to the PPG, or if you’d like to find out more about ADP’s services please contact us at mail@adpltd.co.uk or use the form below.


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