Weeley, Essex
A D P developed the village extension Masterplan for Weeley, Essex. We first promoted this site through the Local Plan process and the Council has subsequently taken it forward as an emerging allocation for development within the Tendring District Publication Local Plan (2017).
The Masterplan was developed in close cooperation with the Council and key stakeholders to ensure that the new development will represent a truly sustainable development that benefits the village and District as a whole.
The proposed village extension includes 280 dwellings, a 2-Form of Entry Primary School, 56 place early years nursery, up to 3,000 sqm of office space, public open space, a pedestrian footbridge and associated other works.
The masterplan was led by the village context, alongside the planning policy context, and was informed by the following principles:
Hierarchy of Streets – The proposal will include a hierarchy of streets from the main spine road through to private drives.
Key Frontages and Focal Buildings – The proposed community hub and employment uses will create a focal point for the site and new centre for the village.
Character Areas – The site will contain character areas (1) an “edge” character area will be used to help transition from open countryside to built form, (2) broad avenue, lined with street trees and suburban character, and a (3) community hub focused on the school, employment land.
Open Space – A mixture of open space typologies from play spaces and formal open spaces to biodiversity-rich areas and drainage areas.
Landscaping –Soft landscaping will be retained with additional hedge, tree and planting to allow an appropriate transition from the open countryside.
Biodiversity – Protect the existing ecological features and provide new areas that will be biodiversity rich.
Heritage and Archaeology – The setting of the Listed farmhouse forms an important part of the site and will be preserved or enhanced.
Pedestrian Safety - To create safe walking routes through the development and into the area beyond, including the provision of a railway crossing.