
Great Horkesley, Essex

Great Horkelsey is a village to the north of Colchester. Through the local plan process, ADP promoted land to the north of this village as a sustainable extension that would contribute to meeting its housing and community needs. The site was subsequently allocated in the site in the in Colchester Core Strategy and Site Allocations DPD.

A D P proactively engaged the local community, the local planning authority and key consultees. This consultation informed the development proposals and placed a greater emphasis on internal and external community spaces and developing a new village core and focus.

This development subsequently delivered 149 market and affordable dwellings, a community hall, 2ha of public open space, incorporating a play pitch, children’s play area, walking routes and areas of biodiversity enhancement.

The open space, play areas and village hall were placed at the centre of development with the housing framed around the edge. This ensured that the new development fully integrated with the existing community.



West Mersea, Essex


Rowhedge, Essex