Chesterwell: Colchester
A D P promoted land to the north-west of Colchester as a sustainable urban extension through Colchester’s Local development Framework process. This land, now known as Chesterwell, forms part of the ‘North Growth Area Urban Extension’ that was identified in the Colchester Core Strategy 2008 as a strategic allocation.
Chesterwell comprises a mixed-use urban extension to Colchester that will deliver 1,600 residential dwellings and a new neighbourhood centre that will include a mix of commercial, residential and community uses, education uses. Chesterwell will also deliver strategic landscaping, green infrastructure and areas for outdoor sport facilities, and access.
A D P has been given the responsibility to design each of the key phases of development.
The overarching development ethos is to deliver a new neighbourhood where development integrates with the existing urban area but also sits within the existing landscape to create a transition to the countryside beyond. To meet these aims, we have ensured that open spaces, pedestrian networks, generous green corridors and visual connections with the countryside form a key component to this development.