Securing Advertisement Consent in the City of London
We are delighted to announce that we have successfully secured advertisement consent for a retail unit in Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 6BL.
Project Overview
The approved proposal includes the installation and display of two key signage elements:
A non-illuminated fascia sign measuring 3.07m in width, 0.60m in height, and 0.2m in depth, positioned 2.50m above ground level.
An externally illuminated projecting sign measuring 0.8m in width, 0.7m in height, and installed at a height of 2.75m above ground level.
Both signs are designed to integrate seamlessly into the surrounding streetscape, complementing the visual identity of the retail environment while ensuring minimal impact on the character of the adjacent Leadenhall Market Conservation Area.
Key Considerations & Planning Compliance
Our approach to securing consent was guided by a thorough understanding of the relevant planning policies and regulations. The key factors considered in the approval process included:
Visual Amenity: The signage replaces an existing box sign, maintaining continuity with other retail units along Fenchurch Street. The projecting sign’s illumination is limited to a maximum of 150cd/sqm to protect the surrounding area's aesthetic appeal.
Public Safety: The placement of the signs ensures they do not obstruct visibility for pedestrians or vehicles. Additionally, the Local Transport Planning team raised no objections to the proposal.
Material & Design: Constructed from an aluminium composite over an aluminium box frame, the signs are finished in anthracite grey with orange and green lettering, aligning with the associated business’s branding.
Consent Details & Planning Policies
The approved application complies with the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 2007 and relevant Local Plan Policies, including:
CS10 - Promoting a high-quality environment
DM10.5 - Shopfronts
DM10.6 - Advertisements
DM16.1 - Transport impacts of development
Consent has been granted for a period of five years, from 21st April 2023 to 20th April 2028.
Our Commitment to Planning Excellence
Whether it’s advertisement consents, shopfront enhancements, or larger-scale urban planning initiatives, our team remains dedicated to shaping vibrant and sustainable urban environments.
If you’re looking for expert planning guidance, get in touch with us today.