Planning Approved for 85 New Homes in Colchester

planning permission in colchester

We are delighted that Colchester City Council has approved planning permission for 85 new homes in the Chesterwell area of Colchester.

Planning History

In July 2014, the Council granted outline planning permission (Ref: 121272) for a mixed-use development comprising 1,600 residential dwellings, a neighbourhood centre including commercial, residential and community uses, education uses, strategic landscaping, green infrastructure and areas for outdoor sport facilities, and access.

This Reserved Matters application was the latest scheme within this wider development project.

The Site

The planning application site extends to 2.4ha and comprises fairly level greenfield / agricultural land.

Colchester Golf Club lies to the west and south of the site. Beyond the western and southern extent, the wider site boundaries with the Colchester Golf Club are characterised by treelined hedgerows that provide a strong and enclosed landscape setting to the application site. An area of open space will exist between this site and the previous phase.

The Proposed Development Principles

The following development principles have been developed for this site:

  • To provide a grid of streets by maximising the connectivity of new streets and paths to existing ones, making the site inviting and permeable to all users, particularly pedestrians.

  • Bringing the countryside into the community. This will be achieved by developing long vistas towards the parkland and countryside beyond.

  • To provide leisure routes within the development itself to aid dog and recreational walking and encourage localised physical activity and healthy lifestyles.

  • To design a development that is comparable with the surrounding character of Chesterwell but has its own subtle but distinctive character.

The Proposed Site Layout

The different parts of the development parcels will each have different character areas that will define the spaces in which they are located, namely:

Main Avenues - Two east-west avenues that are accessed from the Primary Street. These avenues will provide access to all other roads that are lower in the hierarchy.

The two east-west avenues have been orientated to command long views towards the golf course to the west of the site and the proposed public open spaces to the east of the site.

This will help people orientate themselves within the development and create a sense of place, with a focus on its edge of settlement location, allowing a transition with the countryside beyond.

Secondary Interconnecting Avenues - The secondary avenues provide north-south connectivity through the site, linking the Main Avenues. Collectively, the streets at Parcels R16 and R17 have been designed to be a series of inter-connecting social spaces, with high degrees of permeability that encourage localised walking and cycling and community interaction. Parcel R16 - Part 1 will deliver the first stage.

Contact ADP to Discuss your Development Project

Are you planning a new development project and need planning and architectural advice. Contact us using the form below or via to understand how we can assist and guide your development through the planning process.  


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