Planning approved for 100 new market and affordable homes in West Mersea, Essex

Our planning consultants have secured outline planning approval for 100 dwellings and land for community uses, public open space on land at Dawes Lane, West Mersea.

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Securing Planning Consent

The 10.2ha site is located outside of a settlement boundary, to the west of Dawes Lane, West Mersea. It currently comprises a large agricultural field with few features.

The site is identified in the emerging Colchester Local Plan as a residential allocation and an area of public open space, which and this policy document has reached an advanced stage within its preparation.

Given the planning context, we developed a strong planning strategy and demonstrated to Colchester Borough Council that the proposed development would deliver substantial economic, social and environmental benefits and also provide a boost to housing supply within the Borough. We are pleased that the Council supported the scheme and accepted that it accorded with the presumption in favour of sustainable development and was in line with their emerging planning policy.

This development will now deliver:

  • Market and Affordable housing;

  • Community funding – A S106 legal agreement has secured comprehensive developer contributions towards improved community facilities, healthcare etc.

  • Open space – the development will provide extensive public open space.

  • Significant levels of ecological net gain in terms of habitat creation and ecological movement corridors.

  • Convenient pedestrian and cycling linkages with the surrounding area and will facilitate the delivery of a 2.7km circular walking route.

Design Approach

Whilst the application was submitted in outline, we put forward a number of strong design principles to guide the future development. These principles were informed by the local context, for example, the avenues in West Mersea signify a very important part of the town’s distinctive character and historic development. These avenues provide linear roads that generally lead away from the waterfront. Our proposal embraced this character and placed a high importance in continuing this distinctive design and settlement pattern.

Project Management

A key aspect of the planning process, is the consideration of technical matters, which also inform the design. As a part of our involvement, we put together a project team to address specific matters such as, access, archaeology, drainage, landscape, and ecology. This allowed us to demonstrate that there no technical matters that would otherwise prevent the development from taking place.

About A D P

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Planning Appeal Success for a Backland Development in Colchester


London Borough of Havering Grants Lawful Development Certificate for an Existing Dwelling