Neighbourhood Centre Building Granted Planning Permission

We are delighted that Colchester Borough Council has approved planning permission for a key Neighbourhood Centre at the heart of the new Chesterwell development to the north of Colchester.

Chesterwell comprises a new urban extension of 1,600 new dwellings, a neighbourhood centre including commercial, residential and community uses, education uses, strategic landscaping, green infrastructure and areas for outdoor sport facilities, and access.

This permitted mixed-use Neighbourhood Centre building represents a critical key component of the new Neighbourhood Centre and will act as the focal point for the overall development and is important in terms of development a sense of place.

The approved building comprises 4x Class commercial units on the ground and first floor within a flexible Class A1-A5/D1 and B1a use and 4x 2-bed apartments.The design of proposed building has followed the following key design principles:

  • A gateway location – the neighbourhood centre has been positioned to ensure that it is accessible and visible to all including local residents both new and existing. The proposed building has responded to the location and importance through increased height and detailing.

  • Strong built form – The building has been designed to reinforce the sense of arrival into the Neighbourhood Centre and aid legibility. Active frontages have incorporated to maximise activity in the streetscene.

  • The key commercial frontages at the ground floor are adaptable to accommodate unforeseen changing land uses over time.

  • The elevations adopt the complementary use of architectural detailing, fenestration and landscape treatments to create a rhythm to the street.

Whilst this application forms a key component of the overall outline planning permission, there were a number of planning complexities that required detailed engagement with the case officer, notably the quantum and type of planning uses.

Through a thorough audit of the outline planning permission it was explained to the planning officer that the proposed development complied with the original permission. Following discussions, the application was subsequently approved.

ADP is passionate about developing high-quality spaces and places and we have been helping out clients with residential, commercial and householder development projects for many years. If you feel your project would benefit from experienced planning consultant and architectural input, then contact the team via to find out how we can best assist you.

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Local Plan Update - Essex


Planning Permission Granted for a Rural Agricultural Workers Dwellings