Masterplan Approved by Tendring District Council

We are very pleased to be part of the project team for a major development in Weeley, Essex that has been granted planning permission by Tendring District Council.

The proposal is for 280 dwellings, a 2-Form of Entry Primary School, 56 place early years nursery, up to 3,000 sqm of office space public open space, a pedestrian footbridge and associated other works.

Our role was to prepare a masterplan to inform the development and accompany the outline planning application submission.The site comprises open farmland with associated farmhouse and ancillary farm buildings. The farmhouse itself is actually a Grade II Listed Building. The site adjoins the built-up area of Weeley, and is located between an existing railway line and a key strategic road.The site is currently located outside of a settlement boundary but does form an emerging allocation for development within the Tendring District Publication Local Plan (2017). The relevant policy allocates this site for at least 280 dwellings, as well as 1 hectare of employment land, 1 hectare of public open space and 2.1 hectares of land for an education facility and an early years nursery.The masterplan was led by the village context, alongside the planning policy context, and was informed by the following principles.

  • Hierarchy of Streets - The proposal will include a hierarchy of streets from the main spine road through to private drives. This will serve all of the main land uses.

  • Key Frontages and Focal Buildings - The proposed “community hub” to be provided by the new school and employment uses will create a focal point for the site. Focal buildings will be sited at key locations within the site. This will help navigation through the site and provide interest to the streetscene.

  • Character Areas - The site will contain character areas (1) an “edge” character area will be used to help transition from open countryside to built form, (2) broad avenue, lined with street trees and suburban character, and a (3) community hub focused on the school, employment land.

  • Open Space - A mixture of open space typologies from play spaces and formal open spaces to biodiversity-rich areas and drainage areas.

  • Landscaping - The site currently provides a number of boundary hedgerows and trees. Where possible, this soft landscaping will be retained with additional hedge, tree and garden planting to allow an appropriate transition from the open countryside, supplement other important landscaping features and to relate to the site topography.

  • Biodiversity – Protect the existing hedgerows and field boundaries, which host an important range of flora and fauna, and provide new areas that will be bio-diversity rich.

  • Perimeter Structure & Boundary Treatments - Residential homes will be delivered in perimeter blocks to reduce exposed boundary treatments.

  • Heritage and Archaeology – The setting of the Listed farmhouse forms an important part of the site and will be preserved or enhanced.

We provide a comprehensive masterplanning service that includes:

  • the preparation of planning applications and design and access statements;

  • strategic site promotion; and

  • site appraisals.

Please contact us at to discuss your development project further.

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Self-Build Dwelling in Colchester


Planning approved for a replacement dwelling in the Green Belt in Basildon