Image Courtesy of C K A Architectural

Image Courtesy of C K A Architectural

Class O Office to Residential Change of Use, East Sussex

We secured a Class O Office to Residential prior notification change of use consent in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

Class O of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) allows the change of use of existing offices to residential uses provided certain criteria are met, which includes the assessment of flood risk, highways impact, contamination and noise.

Whilst prior notification is a much-simplified application process compared to a normal planning application process, it is not always straightforward and may be necessary to seek professional assistance to overcome any site-specific matters. In this case the site is located in an area of flood risk and forms part of a designated industrial area. It was necessary to put together a project team of specialist consultants to demonstrate that the relevant criteria could be met in order to secure the consent.

A D P are experienced with each planning application type and can provide advice, as appropriate, for each project and will act as the project lead for the application process.


Barn Conversion, Chelmsford


Class Q, Barn Conversion, Mersea Island, Essex